Camaraderie. The bite of water before sunrise, the slap of paddles. The pyramid sprints, the sweat beading down your back. The celebrations. Memories? You know what it’s like to have a shared experience with your team.
They get it too.
There’s one more thing, the big one: willpower. Everyone else thinks it’s a limited resource, that once you’ve used it it’s gone. But you know the truth.
To cultivate and empower You and the community, and deliver quality paddling jewelry and gifts to the community. Fundraise with canoe jewelry and kayak paddle jewelry in silver now.
It’s a brand built by those who understand the sweat, the pain, and the will to keep pushing themselves.
Through our gifts for kayakersand canoe jewelry lines we’re developing a community and continuing to bolster the growth of the sport through you.
You don’t skimp on the training, so we don’t skimp on our products. Choose your paddling gift now!
From Fundraising to custom orders, we have a lot to talk about. We are happy to chat!